It’s essential that any changes in risk are disclosed in writing to us promptly for your policy to remain current and cover the whole. Examples of changes or developments which insurers need to be “immediately” notified of includes but are not limited to the following:-

Acquisition of new properties.
Contractual liability, granting indemnity, or “Hold Harmless” agreements.
Alteration of addition to existing buildings or plants (in excess of property acquisition limit where applicable).
Dependence on a new outside supplier or customer.
Construction of new buildings.
Changes in the basis of shipping, or air freightment.
Changes in occupancy, or nature of business or process of manufacture inclusive of the introduction of new lines and equiptment.
Installation of pressure plant, boilers, or key machines.
Changes in tenants occupying buildings covered.
Use of private aircraft or watercraft.
Increases/ decreases in rental income insured (Loss of Rent).
Tenders and major expansions. Submit details in advance for advice on insurance ramifications.
Alteration in type, quantity, or storage method of dangerous goods, fuels and gases.
Updates in existing Legislation/ Laws affecting your sector.
Installation, alteration, or disconnection of fire or burglary protection system.
It is critical you disclose if you or a tenant sells or stores pyrotechnics, fireworks, or accelerants on the premises. Failure to do this and a loss occurs could result in the claim being denied.
Removal of assets to new locations.
It is critical you disclose if you or a tenant have a woodworking or metalworking shop on the premises or if welding or cutting is carried out on the premises. Failure to do this and a loss occurs could result in the claim being denied.
Arrangements of any new mortgage, debenture, or other lines on the property.
Disclosure of the type, quantity, or storage method of dangerous goods, fuels and gases.
Acquisition of controlling interests, or joint undertaking in another Company.
Hire, lease, or borrowing of equipment for your use or to a third party.

These are all Important disclosures and notices that we recommend you take seriously as failure to comply may invalidate your coverage on the basis of nondisclosure of material facts.

“If you need to make changes to your policy disclosures, please send an email to with the details of the revisions, including the name of the company and specific trading location/locations they pertain to."


Please note that it is imperative you notify us immediately upon the happenings of any loss or development which may give rise to a claim. Any delay in notification can result in repudiation of a claim by Insurers. In a liability situation, you must neither admit liability nor give any undertaking to settle or make any payment in respect of any claim presented to you in connection therewith.


NGL has checked in the appropriate column where we have arranged insurances on your behalf. This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list or log of all your policies and does not include insurance arranged by yourself as a direct client off an insurer or through other brokers and agents. If you have a concern that the policies identified below does not reflect your instructions or you may be interested in obtaining quotes for a policy listed below not currently in place, please contact the NGL service team.